+91 9830 340 976     hbseminary@gmail.com


The Himalayan Baptist Seminary is born with a specific purpose to train young men and women who will take up the new challenges in the mission fields in South East Asia. Its vision and mission is to prepare Christian workers for the effective ministry in this millennium. This new challenge is: Who will plan the New Testament Church in the areas where there are no churches? Just in India alone there are 1.25 billion people. There are 2501 total people groups in India and the 2190 people groups still unreached. The HBS family wants to be part of reaching these unreached.

Why Siliguri? Siliguri, India, is a very strategic location for training and sending the church planters in South East Asia. It is also known as the Gateway to Unreached Asia. To the north is Buddhist-dominated Sikkim and Tibet (China). To the south is Muslim-dominated Bangladesh. To the west is the least-reached region of Hindu-dominated north India. To the northwest is the former Hindu Kingdom of Nepal. To the northeast is the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan. One can reach these neighboring countries from the HBS within 45 minutes to 5 hrs. Therefore, Siliguri is the most strategic location for theological training and reaching the unreached South East Asian countries. The HBS students will be provided with ample opportunities to reach the unreached in these neighboring countries.


HBS is to provide quality Biblical and Theological Education with special emphasize on students to become Church Planters.


The HBS will train and empower men & women to become aggressive and dynamic Church Planters in the context of South East Asian countries: by enabling the students to mature spiritually. By equipping them in the sound doctrine of the Word of God and developing them with ample opportunities with practical ministries assignments.


The HBS is Christ-Centered Biblical, Evangelical, Theological educational institute, significant in Christian Services by sowing the Gospel Seed of Jesus Christ in the hearts of millions of dying souls in South East Asia. So that people will find salvation and peace in Christ. We are Baptist by conviction. We teach sound doctrine of the Bible and striving to accomplish the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ and for the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31).

" Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31